247 TOTTENHAM COURT ROADClick here to access the approved Demolition Management Plan.
M&G Real Estate, the owners of the site, and development managers CO-RE are pleased to be bringing forward this exciting development in the heart of the West End.
CGI of proposed exterior design of the building
Construction Management Plan
Following a public consultation on the first part of the Construction Management Plan (CMP), we have submitted the document to the London Borough of Camden.
The CMP will outline how we intend to manage the demolition of the existing buildings to the highest safety standards and minimise disruptions to our neighbours.
The Council now will consider the contents of the CMP and subject to their approval, we expect to begin the demolition programme in Autumn 2021.
You can download a copy of the CMP by clicking here.
You can download a copy of the Air Quality Monitoring Report here.
On this website you will find:
Information about our plans
Our construction programme and upcoming works
How we will keep you informed and ways of getting in touch with the project team
the scheme
The current site, which incorporates five buildings – 247 Tottenham Court Road, 3 Bayley Street and 1-4 Morwell Street, is almost 60 years old and is no longer considered to be fit for modern working requirements.
In January 2021, Camden’s Planning Committee resolved to grant planning permission for the demolition of the current buildings and delivery of a new state of the art five storey building. We will be providing:
5,570 sq m of office space on the upper floors
A mix of retail spaces on the ground and lower floors
The eight new residential homes are accessed from Morwell Street
A new pocket park for visitors and residents to relax and socialise at
We are pleased to confirm Deconstruct have been selected as our enabling works contractor, to lead on the demolition programme for the project. The site, which is now vacant, was officially handed over to Deconstruct in August 2021.
In line with Camden’s guidelines, and in accordance with the site-specific Noise, Dust and Vibration Monitoring Plan, monitoring equipment has been installed across the site. To see the latest report, click here.
Having reflected on the feedback from residents, we have now submitted the CMP to the London Borough of Camden. You can download the document here.
The construction programme
All activities due to take place on site from hours of operation to upcoming noisy works
How we will mitigate the impact of construction on our closest neighbours
January 2021
Application approved by London Borough of Camden
Spring 2021
Confirming heads of terms for s.106 agreement
April 2021
First Construction Working Group Meeting
Late Spring/Early Summer 2021
Second Construction Working Group Meeting
Start of demolition programme
Early 2022
Construction begins on new building
Autumn 2024
Expected projection completion
1. When do you expect to begin demolition/construction works on site?
We expect to begin demolition works on the existing buildings in Autumn 2021, with the construction programme for the new development starting in early 2022. These timescales are however dependent on as and when the Construction Management Plan is approved by the London Borough of Camden.
2. What is a Construction Management Plan?
A Construction Management Plan will outline how we intend to manage the demolition and construction programme for the development in a safe and secure environment. We recently closed a public consultation on the first part of our CMP, which will outline how the existing buildings on site will be demolished. This will be submitted to the London Borough of Camden shortly and if approved, demolition works are expected to begin this Autumn. Towards the end of the year, we will be sharing the second part of the CMP, to showcase how the construction of the new building will be taking place. As before, we will hold a consultation with the community on the contents of the plan and welcome any comments they might have.
3. What is a Construction Working Group?
A Construction Working Group is a forum made up of key stakeholders from a local area and representatives from communities, agreed in discussion with the London Borough of Camden. Members are asked for their input on a large-scale development proposed for construction in the area and the creation of a Construction Management Plan, which will provide guidelines on the construction programme and delivery of the project. They are in regular contact with the project team and invited to regular meetings, where they are provided information on upcoming works and the next steps for the development.
4. What are the site working hours?
The site working hours are 8am-6pm, Monday to Friday, and 8am-1pm on Saturdays.
5. When are construction vehicles allowed to visit the site?
Construction vehicles will be restricted between 9:30am to 4:30pm on weekdays and between 8:00am and 1:00pm on Saturdays. Vehicles may be permitted to arrive on site before 8:00am on weekdays. In case this should happen, the onsite team will ensure that drivers switch of their engines, to minimise disruptions to residents.
6. Who can I contact to learn about the project?
Should you have any questions about any activities taking place on site, please contact Deconstruct’s Project Manager, Tony Crawford by: Phone: 07769 670987 ; Email: tony.crawford@deconstructuk.com
If you would like to learn more about the project and construction programme more generally, get in touch with a member of the team by email at: 247tottenhamcourtroad@londoncommunications.co.ukor calling our freephone line: 0800 307 7548
7. What impact will Covid-19 have on the construction plans?
We are fully committed to keeping our workforce and neighbours safe during this time. All our contractors are required to abide by Camden’s building and construction regulations and the Considerate Constructors Scheme, whereby they must commit to giving the utmost consideration to the impact on neighbours and the public.
8. How will you communicate the construction plans regularly to residents?
As we progress with the construction programme, we will provide regular updates through newsletters and this website. Notices will also be placed around the site outlining any upcoming activities over the next few months. As social distancing guidelines are eased, we will be holding more ‘face to face’ events.
Contact us
Although our consultation on the first part of the CMP is closed, we will continue to welcome any questions or comments you have about the project and construction programme. Please get in touch with a member of the team by:
Phone: 0800 307 7548
Email: 247tottenhamcourtroad@londoncommunications.co.uk
Deconstruct’s Project Manager, Pat Pearson, is happy to provide any assistance as required. He can be contacted by:
Phone: 07900 788 087